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Summer College Immersion

The Georgetown University Summer College Immersion program is a three-week college prep program for rising high school seniors from the Cristo Rey Network and KIPP Foundation school systems. Designed for high-achieving students with aspirations to apply to the most selective colleges and universities, our program provides a transformational learning experience and an introduction to college life.

As a student, you’ll join 45 peers from across the country on campus at Georgetown, where you’ll spend your time engaged in a combination of class sessions, field trips, group discussions, and hands-on workshops. Outside of class, you’ll have the opportunity to attend cocurricular evening programming, such as roundtable discussions and workshops, as well as off-campus outings, social events, and weekend trips. Visit our Student Life page to take a closer look at the Georgetown summer experience, or read about two students’ journeys through the program.

2018 Program Dates:

July 1– July 21


Program Benefits

  • Take courses exploring STEM-related fields, international relations, and college writing
  • Learn from world-renowned Georgetown University faculty
  • Live in residence halls and get the full college campus experience
  • Complete workshops on admissions and financial aid
  • Explore prominent Washington, D.C., institutions and landmarks
  • Interact with Georgetown University students
  • Tour other local university campuses like George Washington University and Howard University
  • Complete a video production project outlining success tips for future college-bound students

Program Format & Sample Schedule

In the Summer College Immersion program, you'll attend daily academic programming during the weekdays. At the end of the day, you'll have opportunities to participate in optional cocurricular events, free time, and student life activities until curfew. You'll explore the following subject areas during the program:

  • College prep
  • Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields
  • International relations
  • Math and reading test-taking techniques for the SAT/ACT
  • Writing
  • July 1–July 7: College Prep
    • Meet with University Admissions and Financial Aid Counselors to learn about applying to and paying for college
    • Take an intensive SAT/ACT prep course
    • Develop college-level study and time management skills
    • Tour colleges in and around D.C.
    • Participate in community-building and leadership activities
    • Engage in healthful living experiences
  • July 8–July 14: International Relations
    • Explore complex global issues and dilemmas such as: terrorism, nuclear weapons, military occupations, and humanitarian crises
    • Study topics including security and economics, U.S. foreign policy, and international law and ethics
    • Visit historic institutions such as the Islamic Center, U.S. Congress, Organization of American States (OAS), and various embassies in D.C.
  • July 15–July 20: Science, Writing, & College Prep
    • Participate in mock college admissions interviews
    • Learn expectations of Georgetown faculty and other college community standards
    • Engage in academic courses, such as Critical College Writing and Multidisciplinary Approach to Science and the Environment
    • Attend a closing banquet and join the network of Summer College Immersion alumni

Program Eligibility

To participate in the Summer College Immersion program, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a member of the Cristo Rey Network or KIPP Foundation school systems
  • Receive a nomination to apply from your principal, guidance counselor, or KIPP Through College regional advisor
  • Submit a completed application

We accept applications from high-achieving rising seniors with strong GPAs, significant extracurricular involvement, and a passion for leading purposeful lives. This is a highly selective program and submitting an application does not guarantee admission. If you are interested in the program, please speak with your principal, guidance counselor, or advisor.

For more detailed information on what it takes to be a competitive applicant, please refer to our applicant profile.


All costs for the Summer College Immersion program are covered thanks to generous support from the Marineau Family Foundation and the Georgetown University School of Continuing Studies. As a student in the program, you will receive a $33 weekly spending allowance and a stipend of $400 upon successful completion of the program. All other program costs are covered.


How to Apply

  1. Gather the necessary contact data for the applicant, the parent/guardian, and the college counselor/school administrator/recommender.

  2. Obtain the application link from your designated school official and complete the student application form. View a list of the questions that will be included in the application on our blank application form.

  3. Speak with your college counselor/school administrator/recommender to ensure he or she completes the recommendation form. Your recommender should be someone who can verify your school records and PSAT/SAT/ACT or other college entrance exam scores.

  4. Request that your recommender submit your official transcript(s), extracurricular overview and/or resume, and any additional supporting documents to the address below or via email to [email protected]. Electronic documents will only be accepted if they are sent by a school official via a school email address.

The deadline for the online application, recommender form, transcripts, and supporting documents is Sunday, February 18, 2018. All materials must be submitted or postmarked by this date. Late submissions will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, if space remains.

Mail all transcripts and supporting documents to:
Kendra Bellamy
Summer and Special Programs
Georgetown University: School of Continuing Studies
3307 M Street NW, Suite 202 Washington, DC 20007


Program Staff

The Summer College Immersion program is directed by a live-in leadership team and staff from Georgetown University’s School of Continuing Studies, while all courses are taught by members of Georgetown’s prestigious faculty. We also employ Georgetown undergraduates to serve as mentors for the high school students enrolled in the program. Our mentors lead reflection exercises, accompany students on field trips, serve as guides during workshops and leadership exercises, and act as advisors throughout the program and beyond.


Contact Us

For questions or more information, please contact us at [email protected] or (202) 687-7087.